Infrastructure mapping and monitoring of medium voltage power grids.
Infrastructure mapping and monitoring of medium voltage power grids.
The problem that EMERGE proof of concept wants to solve, is to improve the current process of monitoring medium and high voltage power networks. The current monitoring methods that are implemented by power grid operators are time consuming, involve high safety risks for their personnel, are not autonomous and are hard to implement due to the topography of the terrain.
SciDrones solution is the use of drones equipped with high accuracy resolution optical and thermal cameras to perform aerial monitoring of the power networks. EMERGE product uses data captured from UAVs to map the network creating all the necessary geoinformation illustrating all the status of the network and the possible defaults due to raised hazards.
The data captured by the UAVs are then been uploaded to an online web app that’s visualizes and provides all the useful information to the relevant stakeholders to help them in the decision making. The web application, the geoinformation and the drone data acquired forms the EMERGE product.
The benefits of the project are: